Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Modem users rejoice!

Dialup users finally have something to be happy about! As someone who has been using dialup for a long time I know the pain of trying to update a Linux system. Just 1 kernel-source update and you're online for days, even at 56K.

SuSE users now get a break, that break is known as "deltas." A delta is the difference between the version installed on your system and the current version available. Instead of downloading a huge file, you just download the delta and it gets applied.

To begin using deltas you have to enable it in your /etc/sysconfig/onlineupdate file. Open a xterm, su to root, and edit the onlineupdate file using your favourite editor. At the bottom set YOU_USE_DELTAS="yes" and you're good to go!

I managed to download ALL the updates for 9.2-Professional in one evening, kick butt for 56k.

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