Sunday, May 15, 2005

Using X-Chat to connect to Marcel Gagne's IRC server (Part 1)

X-Chat Server List
Originally uploaded by tuxspot.
While the World Wide Web and E-mail still rank as the main killer apps on the Internet, with bittorrent catching up quickly, there are other technologies that come in very handy.
One of those technologies is IRC, Internet Relay Chat. To use IRC you need an IRC client program, that program connects to an IRC server where other people who also have IRC client programs connect to.
My favourite IRC client software under Linux is X-Chat. X-Chat features things like transparent windowing, colours, scripting, and a lot more.
When X-Chat first starts up, it starts up with a server list. Most Linux distributions come with a large list of IRC servers. I usually remove most of the servers, keeping only those I actually frequent.
Every Monday I try to make it for Marcel Gagne's (Linux author and chef) weekly WFTL-lug chat. To add Marcel's server click Add to add a new server network. You can call that server network anything you want, but I usually call mine something like MarcelNet. You can also use any alias, though some IRC servers require you register your Nickname/Alias, Marcel's server does not.

Continued in next post.

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