I've always liked the Fox Racing logo, but it didn't quite look sharp enough for use as an icon. I wanted something a bit more colourful. I found the logo while searching google images, using ggi: fox icons in Konqueror. Google found it on originalicons.com, one of those pop-up sites that actually have very little original content other than that ripped off from other sites, so I didn't feel too guilty pillaging their version of the fox racing icon for my own nefarious purposes.

The next problem was that I needed part of the image to be transparent. This proved to be easier than I thought. I used the Select Contiguous Regions wand and the shift key to select the areas I wanted backgrounded, then I inverted the selection, copied the part I wanted not to be transparent to a layer that was transparent.

From there I experimented with a few orange hues. I decided to use a couple of orange and yellow hues because they looged good against the white/black and still stood out on my default SuSE 9.3 background.
I saved the icon first as a gif file, converting it to an optimized indexed file. After discovering that KDE doesn't seem to like GIF files I bumped the palette back up to RGB and saved it as transparent png. I checked out the image and discovered a new problem, the image had little white fuzzies around the black border. Using the smallest brush and the eraser tool I managed to blot out the white spots.