Monday, February 28, 2005

Microsoft MN-720 driver update

It's been awhile since I've written anything for blogspot. Over the past few weeks I've been very busy with non-computer related issues. I'm very glad to report that I now have my Microsoft MN-720 wireless adapter working with SuSE 9.2 without any crashes during the module load, or when I shut down my system.

The key is NOT using the Microsoft mn720-50.inf driver, but a homebrew driver created by the good folks at Ankhcraft, a web development business. The driver is located at:

Now if you've never installed the MN-720 before under SuSE you'll need to download/install the ndiswrapper software package. It is a part of SuSE 9.2, so you don't need to go to sourceforge to download it.

Once ndiswrapper is installed you need to unzip the driver I mentioned above. Note: it's zipped, not tarred, so you need to unzip it. Then run as root the command:

ndiswrapper -i mn720-ankh.inf

There are two other steps I decided to do: create a wireless profile which had normal eth0 wired routing removed and load the ndiswrapper driver on startup.

For creating profiles see the SuSE documentation, it's a topic that's a bit lengthly to go into here.

To load ndiswrapper on startup load YaST --> Systerm --> /etc/sysconfig Editor. Then click from the Tree view on the left System --> Kernel --> MODULES_LOADED_ON_STARTUP. In the empty space on the right top enter ndiswrapper.

Since using the Ankhcraft drivers I've had no problems with freezing, the CD-based Microsoft drivers were to fault because they require a really big stack!

1 comment:

Fazer said...

Hi there, I have the exact same card but I will be installing Ubuntu on my Thinkpad (600E PII 366 MHz with 160 MB ram)

I was using the LiveCD but wasn't able to really configure the Wifi card. It wouldn't turn on or wouldn't even scan. But would show up on lspci.

Can you give me more detail on your steps?
